Aminet 37
Aminet 37 (2000)(Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 2000].iso
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150 lines
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_ _\\__\\_\ \_\ \\\· \/ \//..[............................: :..: :..: :
_____ ___________ _____ ______ _____ _________·
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| / ___ /-\\/ \ _ / \ \____/__ \ \/_ |\ ___ / |
|_____ \// _____|_____/ /_______ /____ / ___\\/ _____|
· ... . . . . . . . . \\\ az0!/sea
: : :...............//\ ·\\ |_____________
:.: / ¯¯/\ \·\ |____________( O H E M A
¯¯ / \ \·
¯¯¯¯ \ i n f O :
musiquelabeldedicatedto TiTLE ------------------ girl on da level
allminimaldrumnbassjung ARTiST ------------------- NOISY ABDUL+TZX
lebreakbeatgoapsychedel SiZE/FORMAT -------------------------- 186k/mod
ictranceacidtechnoelekt DURATiON ----------------------------- 05'36
rotriphophousenudiskolo RELEASE DATE ------------------------ 19.03.2000
vers.. mainlybasedonpol NUMBER ------------------------------- 010
ishamigascenemusiciansb STYLE --------------------- MINIMAL stuph
IN SHORT: let us melt your brain once again..
hard times = hard musique. . yeah
we're goin' stronger.. much more
in this way.. ehhee. until the thaw
will come.. but now leave your
loudspeaker alone, let him go a bit
insane.. napierdalanka zone, ehhehh
.b O h e m a
ahhah._ many thanks must go to
azzaro'EMBASSY+MAWI for the cover..
rispekte homeboy.. _ bO2K
N------E---W----------S---------------------------- -------- -- ------- --
Our WWW site is under construction, url: http://www.bohema.silesianet.pl
Amber ftp is no longer our distro site.
M---E--M-----B--E-------R--L----I----S-------T------- ---------- -- ------
CiE ------------------ thilohero@gmx.de -------------------------- musique
DAZE ----------------- dazee@friko6.onet.pl ---------------------- musique
PROTAS --------------- protas2@priv2.onet.pl --------------------- musique
OTTON ---------------- noemail@available.yet --------------------- musique
SPEKTRA -------------- looque@polbox.com ------------------------- musique
TZX ------------------ noemail@available.yet --------------------- musique
WHiSKAS -------------- -whiskas@geocities.com -------------------- musique
XBALL ---------------- dzieci@kki.net.pl ------------------------- musique
EVAN ----------------- evandcs@mail.com -------------- staff, supa spreada
PESTi ---------------- radek_s@poczta.fm ------------------ staff, homeboy
D----I-S-----T---R------I--------B---U------T--I-O-----N------ ---- -- ---
the most convenient way of gettin' our releases is subscription to our
mailing list. there are two kinds, choose one that will suit you best:
BINARIES LIST ----- send blank e-mail to bohema-files-subscribe@egroups.com
and you'll get new releases (up to 1,5mb) in e-mail attachment (zip)
ANNOUNCE LIST -- send blank e-mail to bohema-announce-subscribe@egroups.com
and you'll get text file with release description only
or get bOhema releases from the following ftp sites:
ftp://ftp.scene.org/pub/music/groups/bohema/ ------------------- scene.org
ftp://acid2.stack.nl/pub/scene.org/music/groups/bohema/ ------------ acid2
ftp://ftp.uni-paderborn.de/ftp/aminet/pub/mods/techn/ ---- aminet (no mp3)
C-----O------N--T---A-----C----T---------- -------- --- -------- --- -----
all feedback, suggestions, fucks, guest release or joining offers
should be dropped here: bohema@poczta.fm
or using snailmail:
box 23
pl-37450 stalowa wola 7
------------------- - ----------- -------- ------------------- --- -------
: :
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. ...: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :..........\\/ \/ ·////_____//____//___//__//_///
_____ _____ _______ _______________________ _________________
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|____/ /___ /_______/ / / \ | ______ / _ / \_____/ /|
/// _. ... . . . . . . . .az0!/sea
[ H I S T O R Y ] a bit of S T O R Y //· /\\..: :.. ... ... ... ... ... .
/·/ /\¯¯ \ :.: : : : : : : :.:
·/ / \ ¯¯ :.: : : :.:
ALL bOhema RELEASES: / ¯¯¯¯ :.:
NO. TiTLE --------------------- ARTiST ------- GENRE -------- DUR. - FORMAT
001 kln_subnobous_9-3 --------- spektra ------ minimal ------ 4'25 ---- mod
002 low-calorie --------------- protas ------- house -------- 3'40 ----- xm
003 atheist on deathbed ------- tzx ---------- minimal ------ 4'37 ---- mod
004 nu disko lover ------------ silvija ------ nudisko ------ 3'14 ---- mp3
005 euro clubing_beat --------- spektra ------ house -------- 4'21 ----- xm
006 my left ear --------------- whiskas ------ lo-fi -------- 2'50 ----- xm
007 mastiff-kanoo ------------- otton -------- minimal ------ 6'54 ---- dbm
008 kernkraft ----------------- teo ---------- acid techno -- 5'05 ---- mod
009 deeply souls injunction --- xball -------- trance ------- 5'31 ----- xm
010 girl on da level ---------- n.abdul+tzx -- minimal ------ 5'36 ---- mod
[ b O h e m a G U E S T A P P E A R A N C E S ]
silvija + teo + noisy abdul
----- --------------------- ----------------- -- ----- ------------ -------
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· \\\ az0!/sea __ /
: .... ...........//\ ·\\ ________________________________________ __ /·
:..: :.: / ¯¯/\ \·\ /·/
¯¯ / \ \· g r e e t i n g s & r e s p e c t s ·//|
¯¯¯¯ ¯ \ -------------------------------------//|¯|
¯¯ n o s p e c i a l o r d e r /|¯| |
¯| ÷-'
monar -- most valuable playaz -- fridge -- tokyo dawn records ÷-'
supraphone -- hash records -- pic saint loup -- theralite |
voodoo -- black sista -- mono -- rno -- up'rough -- da jormas |
milk -- phase'd -- dzieci oazy -- reaper records -- fm |
sunlikamelo-d -- rebound -- level-d -- total eclipse |
. |
:...\/\/\/\/ iNFO FiLE DESiGN by evan'bOhema; ASCii by azzaro'sea |
[c] bOhema 2000. all rights reserved